


商铺首页 > 新闻动态 > PMMA HI-835M韩国LG
企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 经销批发
所在地区: 广东 东莞
联系卖家: 蒋珂 先生   QQ在线咨询2662588564
手机号码: 18200646066
公司官网: www.jhsj.cpooo....
公司地址: 东莞市樟木头镇


发布时间:2020-07-16 08:21:34        

PMMA HI-835M韩国LG----Product Description: LG PMMA hi835m is a kind of PMMA acrylic material,. The product is ***ailable in North America, Latin America, Europe or Asia Pacific region,.


The main features of LG PMMA hi835m are as follows:

Flame retardant / rated flame

Pass ROHS certification

Impact resistance


PMMA HI-835M韩国LG特性
  • 抗撞击性,高
RoHS 合规性
  • RoHS 合规



比重 1.17 g/cm³ ASTM D792
熔流率(熔体流动速率) (230°C/3.8 kg) 3.0 g/10 min ASTM D1238
收缩率 - 流动 0.40 到 0.80 % ASTM D955
吸水率 (24 hr) 0.40 % ASTM D570


体积电阻率 > 1.0E+15 ohms·cm ASTM D257
介电强度 2 15 kV/mm ASTM D149
介电常数 (60 Hz) 3.10  ASTM D150
耗散因数 (60 Hz) 0.040  ASTM D150



The density of PMMA is slightly lower than that of glass: the density of PMMA is generally 1140-1180 kg / m3, half of that of glass; the weight of PMMA is relatively light: the density of PMMA is 1.18g/cm3, and the weight of materials of the same size is only half of that of ordinary glass and 45% of that of aluminum. The mechanical strength of PMMA is relatively high: the relative molecular weight of PMMA is about 1.99 million, which is a long-chain polymer compound, and the molecular chain formed is very soft. Therefore, the strength of PMMA is relatively high, and its tensile and impact resistance are 8-19 times higher than that of ordinary glass. There is a kind of PMMA which has been treated by heating and stretching, in which the molecular chain segments are arranged in a very orderly way, so that the toughness of the material is significantly improved. If a nail is driven into the plexiglass, even if the nail is penetrated, there will be no crack on the plexiglass. This kind of plexiglass will not break into pieces after being punctured by a bullet. Therefore, the stretched plexiglass can be used as bulletproof glass and cockpit cover of military aircraft. The melting point of PMMA is lower: the melting point of PMMA is about 129-141c, which is much lower than that of glass at about 1000 ℃.

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  • 手机:18200646066
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